Keelan Shea
Dartmouth High School
I have chosen carpentry as my program because while I was in junior high school, i had taken some woodworking and really enjoyed it. I learn better when I'm working my hands. I excel at thinking outside the box and apply this to the tasks I'm doing. Being an Options and Opportunities student at Dartmouth High School allowed me to explore the construction field and last summer I was a student apprentice with Ocean Contractors Ltd. During the summer at Ocean, I really enjoyed working with the construction crew on building sidewalks, etc. and adapted quickly to new skills. This summer I hope to work with a construction company that specializes in the building homes and offices to grow my experience in the field.
My goal with a career in carpentry is to eventually become a general contractor/foreman for a job site and then one day own my own construction company specializing in restoring and building homes. I truly believe that I can reach this career goal with the education I will receive at NSCC.
Keelan begins his education at the Ivany Campus of the Nova Scotia Community College in September 2023.
Keelan Shea