Welcome to the new web site! Hopefully we can make the transition smooth and pleasant, like Paul Dares' feet.
There's not much sense in telling people how to get onto the web site because if you see this, you've figured it out. For everyone else, you can see Seymour Wood, Steve Ellis, Tim Olive, or Joe Zareski for some help. Even stupid people like Butch Milne figured it out. Anyway, it was a busy week, and promises to be even busier as summer approaches.
The name selected in this week's draw was Mike Thomson, although he wasn't there to see it. None-the-less, Mike was signed in and collected a tidy $24 which will buy him 4 and 4/5 Moosehead Light. However, the kitty was shitty as there were 40 people signed in and only $79.45 in the box. Perhaps Don Ellis, fresh off a four week hiatus in Portugal, messed up the conversion of Euros to CAD.
This past Thursday saw the capping of our 94th President, Gaetan "Gus" Claveau. Gus becomes the first Francophone that the Owls Club members actually care about. Though his distain for James Wolfe remains apparent, he has set aside his differences and vows to rule the Club with the standard Westminster model of government. The following is Gus's speech in his native tongue. "Merci les cochons anglais. Je briserai votre esprit et imposerai la culture française supérieure au Club. Vive le Saguenay!" I don't know French, but those must be kind words.
The new Club Executive was acclaimed at Gus's Capping Ceremony on Thursday evening. The aforementioned Gus Claveau is President, Chester Wyman is Vice-President, Jim Schreuer remains Treasurer, Joe Zareski remains Secretary, Steve Ellis remains Financial Secretary, and Fred Dobson becomes the Past-President for the second time. Sean Clancey has left the dais after seven productive years.
There were a number of people who made the Capping Ceremony a huge success. Fred Dobson and David Mattatall cooked and provided the roast beef dinner, Sean Clancey and Jim Schreuer helped set up the Lakeview Room for the evening, Mike Brownlow provided grace, John Hilchey was the "keeper of the port", and Jim Featherby serenaded Gus. Sean also put his newly minted Club Protocol Officer position to use as the master of ceremonies for the evening - M.C. Clancey. Many other members helped make the evening a success.
When the names of the honourary members were read, Rick Powell was listed as joining in 69. Rick pointed out that he actually joined in 67 and would never join a 69.
Speaking of honourary members, congratulations to Bob Gordon who becomes the Club's 15th active honourary member.
A big thanks to Kim Conrad for providing a surprise pizza supper at last night's TGIF. It was impeccable timing by Kim as Club Participation Officer Richard Barteaux was getting concerned that Kim wasn't doing enough for the Club.
Speaking of giving to the Club, congratulations to Chester Wyman on being named Owl of the Year. It's been an amazing run for Chester. Last year he was Time's "Person of the Year" and two years ago People Magazine named him one of the 100 "Sexiest People in the World".
Today is the Kentucky Derby party at the Club and festivities officially start at 5:00 pm. There will, however, be games out on the lawn starting at 4:00 pm (weather permitting). The cost is $10 and that includes a mint julep and food. There will also be an "X-acta" board where you pick the win, place, and show horses. The winner receives half the pot while the other half helps pay for the evening. Dress loud and colourfully!
Spotted Owls. It was nice to see Bob Gordon, Glen Bagnell, Bert Loveless, and Gord Morrison at the Capping Ceremony. And Don Ellis has finished his migration from Southern Europe.
Welcome to Michael Jones, who was voted into the Club as its newest member this past Thursday.
You say tomato, I say tomato. You say potato, I say potato. There was at-length discussion on Thursday regarding the pronunciation of the word scallop. In a nutshell, a scallop is a marine bivalve mollusks that tastes really good with bacon wrapped around it. Scalloped potatoes are sliced to look like the animal scallop and, done properly, taste really good, especially the burnt parts around the edges of the pan.
Hopefully everyone can get on the new web site soon.
All for now.